Communicating ideas (for buy in)

My challenge for this year is to learn to communicate my ideas for improving the way we do things. I have struggled in the past to get buy in. If I assume for a moment that the changes I propose are solid and sensible, why is it so difficult to get people excited about them?

Even though this is for communication within the company, or even within the team, there is a marketing aspect to it. Here are some notes from a conversation I had with our marketing expert.

A mistake I easily make is to present an idea in its final form. I have thought about it for weeks or months, taken a journey, refined and redesigned it many times. But when I present the idea to the group, they see it for the first time. To improve communication, don’t skip the thought process that lead to the final idea. Take the audience along on that journey.

Some questions to ask yourself before presenting an idea:

-- Ron Pieket (Senior Engine Programmer)